Sunday, January 29, 2012

Presque Isle

     I've visited Presque Isle many times in my life - it is an annual tradition for my family, yet, until January 28th, 2012, none of us had ever visited there during the snowy season.  We had spoke of going there for years to witness the frozen lake, but the closest we ever came was during my brother's film shoot in an uncomfortable, miserably cold October a few years ago.  During that time, I took many pictures of Lighthouse Beach and grew bored of photographing the same scene over and over again.  Although I got a few decent images, I longed for much more freedom to wander the beaches and photograph the details that Erie's nature had to offer.
     Being given the opportunity to do just that over this past weekend was a great feeling - even though I knew I wouldn't get the chance to wander as far as I probably would have had I just gone to the peninsula on my own (and I am determined to see the lake frozen, so I will return in the future).  Nevertheless, I took full advantage of the trip, taking pictures every important step of the way.  Since it was my first time seeing a snow covered beach in person, I of course took many silly shots to simply document the peaceful scene.  With an extremely fresh blanket of snow, the Gull Point looked untouched by man upon my arrival, allowing me to further appreciate my natural surroundings (although I eventually saw a few picnic tables, a grill, a random building that I didn't care to correctly identify, and a rock that said "KEEP OFF" [which I didn't]).  Seeing fallen trees and eroded sand and the transition between fall and winter, I began thinking of how nature copes with and prevails during harsh changes - just as I had to quickly adapt to the extremely different view/feeling of a place I always knew to be summery.
     As I photographed, I noticed myself spending more time on my knees with my face and lens in the sand than documenting my location.  I was interested in the clash of vacation getaway and winter storm, of life and death, of preservation and erosion (plus, I have an extremely addicting habit of collecting seashells and rocks and sea glass and everything else I find that seems interesting so I was mostly concerned with what was at my feet aside from the obvious sand and snow).  So, without further adieu, here are a some of the beautiful things I discovered at the dreary Presque Isle.

Winter at Presque Isle


Messy debris

Nature's beauty*

More than just plain sand

An animal or a tree?

Death of a fallen tree*



Swirl from the swirling waves

Claiming territory


Once colorful, now a dark, delicate skeleton

Warm mane

Aquatic wings

(Captions with asterisks [*] are my top picks for the assignment portion of the adventure.)


  1. Very nice Laura! It's uncanny how similar your and my photographic visions are. If I were to photograph this subject I bet about half our photos would look the same. I love them! (Of course I'm probably a little bias.)


  2. "Death of a fallen tree" is interesting.
